Friday, February 17, 2012

Lalalalast Day of Full Time Work

It's officially my last full time day here at LNM, yay! It may even be my last day of full time work ever if I have my way with my future schedule, working in massage therapy. Crazy to even think about.  Though it may mean working two jobs for a while to make ends meet.

I head off to Washington in about 3 hours to visit friends and family and can't wait! My family is flying out to meet me tomorrow so tonight will be a bit of debauchery with some of my Seattle area friends, then the rest of the time will mostly consist of ooohing and aaaahing over baby Anabelle with my extended relatives. She's getting big. I saw her Thursday night for the first time in 3 weeks and I could definitely tell the difference. Not to mention that she didn't remember me so well so she'd stare at me with wonder, before bursting into tears several times. I wish I would have gotten a new picture to post though cause she's lost a lot of her baby cheek fat and her skinny little face is just so freaking cute! I love that baby. She's going to be spoiled by her auntie as soon as she gets a bit older, though auntie will likely be pretty broke starting a career in massage therapy so she may have to settle for professional backrubs and home cooking.

A lot has happened since I last wrote. One big thing is that another one of my very best friends moved away : (. Allie, Courtney's sister, and I have become really close over the last year or two with us being single at the same time for a stretch and then living right down the street from each other. She moved to Los Angeles for a job at another art gallery where she has a lot more potential for growth. I can't blame her for wanting to move off to sunny L.A. where the weather is pretty much perfect and the ocean is readily accessible. I think I may one day move back to the coast, preferably southern California because I miss the water but I do not miss the Northwest weather. Anyhow, she's only been gone a few weeks and I miss her tons! We'd generally hang out about once a week and make dinner and watch 90210 together while catching up on the goings on in each others lives. With Allie gone and Courtney gone, I'm starting to think I need to be in search of some new friends.
A typically awesome shot of Allie. She has the best photo face expressions! I know few people who can make the faces she makes and still look totally envious.

Us being sad she's moving.

But excited for a new adventure.

I still have my blood and my cuz, Jamie, thank god. And her and Saul just bought a new house so I think they're here to stay for a while...whew! I figure I'll soon be meeting all kinds of likely new friends once I start massage school so I have that to look forward to at least. I haven't applied to school just yet as once I go part time here at LNM, I figure I can take some time to visit a couple of the schools again and really feel them out. My number one school at the moment doesn't start til May so I have some breathing room. I'm looking forward to some free time to get my life/house in order and possible take a few long weekend trips if I can swing it. Yay!


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