Sunday, July 1, 2012

Massage Month Two

Hey, it's been another great month of massage school. I'm still trucking through the basic Swedish Massage classes. We've learned all there is to learn about the strokes at this point and are in practice mode. I only have nine more classes before I finish with Swedish and can start in the student clinic! Five of those classes will be reviews of my hands on work. I have to pass each of them in order to start working in the clinic, but I'm feeling pretty confident in my skills right now so I'm not too nervous. I am mainly trying to focus on using the right amount of pressure and identifying tight/troubled areas of the body as I massage. Now that we aren't following along with the teacher though, I'm finding it a lot easier to tune in to what I'm feeling on the body and sensing from the body.

Since my last post, I've had and completed two other parts of the program: Bach Flower Remedies and First Aid/CPR. The Bach Flower Remedies classes were interesting. There are 38 flower essences used to treat aspects of the personality in order to prevent and treat illnesses. The philosophy is that a lot of our physical problems come about because of our personalities. So say you're often stressed out, your muscles are probably pretty tight or if you're a worry wort, you probably have stomach issues, etc. I agree with the philosophy of it all but am not totally sold on the remedies just yet. The problem I have is that there is really no part of the flower left in the remedies except for it's "essence" or energy because the final solution that you take is so diluted down. Though, I suppose if we have a soul/energy life force, other living things must possess this too and why couldn't their energy affect ours?

Our final assignment for the class is to take a few of the Bach Flower Remedies for a month and write about our experience. I am taking Rock Water, Larch and Crab Apple for the time being in an effort to treat a never ending anxiety that I feel and don't quite understand why. What I have noticed so far, and it goes along with some research I've been doing on the web about the flower remedies effectiveness, is that it makes me more aware of the feelings I'm having as I take the remedy, and therefore, causes me to tone down negative thoughts and anxious feelings because of it. Like if Larch is to help people who often compare themselves to others as a way of measuring themselves, as I take it, that thought goes into my head and I make a conscious effort not to measure myself by other people. I haven't had any other breakthroughs though and I've been on them about a week or two. In case you're interested in the different remedies, here's a website I found that sums them up pretty well:

The First Aid and CPR classes were a lot of fun! Mainly because of our awesome teacher, John, who's an EMT in the field and had all kinds of gruesome stories and examples to share with us. I also feel more prepared in case someone gets bit by a poisonous snake hiking or something now (don't move the person because the movement causes the poison to move through the body to their heart). I just hope I never actually have to use the stuff I learned.

We also had our first of many Ethics classes this past month. I think it will become a lot more relevant once we start in the clinic and have a better idea of real life ethical situations but it was good to hear the laws that we have to abide by in the state as well as a few interesting stories about inappropriate client behavior from our teacher (people refusing to be draped, etc.). It made me even more excited to start in the clinic just to see what happens, though I don't hope to have any difficult clients, it'll be a good learning experience to say the least.

In personal news, I'm looking forward to a much needed work and school break next week and a trip to Moab with friends! I'll check back in once I start in the clinic in about a month. Til then...

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